This would be the title of my book if I were writing one. Its been a couple of months now since we brought this sweet girl home, and our lives have changed immensely. Definitely for the better! Dancer has been enjoying her time off the track, outside, instead of in a stall 24/7. As you can see, she has discovered lots of fun things in the field. "Look, Mom! I'm a unicorn!" The creativity with the burrs is amazing, don't you agree? (You wouldn't think I brush that forelock every day, but I really do!)
I would like to add most of this lovely experience would not have been possible if it weren't for my good friends, John and Alice. They graciously extended their gorgeous 100 acre farm to Dancer and I. John has been teaching Dancer how to be a real horse, and he has been teaching me how to handle one. Its pretty one- sided so far-I think I have been learning way more than she has. There have been many times in the round pen where Dancer and I have been facing each other and she is just standing there, and she lets out a huge sigh-sort of like, "Will she ever get it?"
Yes, I have a looooong way to go in that department. (Remind me to tell you sometime about my on-going rope tying saga.)
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