I have been running past my computer now for over a month with the best intentions of updating the blog. "It will just take a minute to post," I keep telling myself, but then the phone rings, the bickering starts, my dog is whining to be let outside, and all of a sudden I have a pounding migraine and like the tide, life crashes in like a wave and swirls away all evidence of my organized thoughts into somewhere I can only name (very uncreatively I might add,) "THE DEEP UNKNOWN".
I realize, in the grand scheme of things, that posting on a blog is very minute on the list. However, it somehow helps me get centered and I have this romantic notion that somewhere out there, in the wild frontiers of the internet, I am striking a chord with someone. And with everything bad and scary in this world, it gives me a chance to focus and be aware of all that is good and positive around us.
I am starting to feel better already, as I am writing this. Winter is not a very good time for me-I secretly think I suffer from SAD-that thing where you don't get enough sunlight. It seems to me in the summer I feel better, I think I look better...my husband says it's just that I'm getting older, but I refuse to listen, lol. Winter is a time that reminds me of my mortality-all the more reason to try to live in the moment. Try to remember to do something special for yourself today (or very soon) We all need a little more love and happiness, don't we? Why is it so hard for most of us to be good to ourselves? Try to look at it like this: The Lord made us with all His love and attention-we need to honor this extraordinary gift He gave us by taking care of ourselves. I know it's so easy to get caught up in the daily stuff. Believe me, I am saying this as much for myself as I am for anyone. Moving forward, I am going to try my best every day to do better by Him-I hope you will too!
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