My little sister always seems to know what inspires me and what to do to help me through the rough spots-she recently sent me one of those home decorating magazines filled with freshly painted rooms in bright, cheery colors, and fun ways to reinvent spaces in your home. It was from this source that I decided to tackle my china cabinet yesterday-a beautiful piece that my lovely little grandmother presented to me upon purchasing my first home; it's first home had been the Australian Embassy in Washington DC.
Pretty amazing when you think about it! (The treasures one can aquire during remodeling sessions!)
I rested on a page showcasing vignettes. Here is my most recent interpretation:
I just love the plates-thanks Ebay!
(I fell in love with these because they reminded me of my wedding invitation-I will have to dig out one to share-check back for this in a future posting.)
I love the idea of combining cherished objects and pictures to create a story. This ended up taking on a life of its own-it became sort of a "blue, silver, vintage Christmas story!"
I also finished up a painting for my dear little sister, who lives in Hilton Head. She had seen a painting in a gallery in Savannah she had fallen in love with; I wanted to try my hand at something similar-I have always leaned toward horses and the not-so-conventional paintings-(think Marc Chagall).I love the abstract and impressionism,but thought, "Why not?"
I suppose you could say my day had a theme-if you're into Sesame Street, it was brought to you by the letter "C". C for China Cabinets, Christmas and Crabs!
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